
Equestrian Guides


Have you ever given thought to the level of protection your horse’s boots actually provide? Keep reading to hear from the professionals at Equilibrium Products as to what makes the perfect horse boot. Should horse boots be considered as safety equipment? You must have heard of the phrase ‘no hoof, no…

Event season is upon us once more! Whether you’re a seasoned professional or want to complete a few unaffiliated events, we’ve got you covered for all your competition needs. Keep reading to learn more about the sport and the products that will give you a helping hand throughout.…

As equestrians, we know how important finding a supportive but comfortable pair of boots is. For years, Ariat have undoubtedly been the industry leaders in footwear technology and the creation of Axis Pro has set a new standard. What is Axis pro™? Axis Pro™ is the latest of…